torsdag den 16. juli 2009

Inspirational reading material

I've been reading a lot of books during the last few years ... it feels like I've stumpled upon a huge pile of books, that all seem really important for me to read. Every time I finish a book, the backlog of books in front of me has grown with 3-5 books, that I simply must read. Articles as well are piling up, and it sometimes strikes me, that maybe I am not going to catch up - maybe I am going to have to filter some of the books or articles away ... sigh ...

Anyway, I find all kinds of litterature a great source of inspiration, and therefore I spend a lot of time reading. Surprisingly (to me at least) most of the books I've read recently have turned out to be really great books. Books that made me think a lot about how I work and write software, books that have actually changed my ways of doing these things. When I experience these books having such an effect on me, it is hard for me to resist the temptation to share the knowledge I've attained.

So have made two lists for You to have a look at:

Currently I am reading Andy Hunts book Pragmatic Thinking and Learning, a very interesting book about how our minds work, how to improve our brainfunction, and how to attain higher levels of expertice. I hope to finish reading it in about a week, and then I'll post a more thorough review of it here.

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